When are you too old to scream ‘shotgun’ when going to a friend’s car? When are you too old to argue over the proper usage of calling ‘shotgun’? Do you have to be walking to the car? Do you have to be outside? Can you call it for the whole day? What about ‘not bitch?
I’m going on twenty five and I still have weekly fights with friends over these issues. It’s something that I honestly get very heated over.
I really need a haircut…..the redheaded ‘fro is a frightful sight.
Thank you jesus for letting the Yankees trade for benitez……..LET THE AGONY BEGIN!
Is there a better beatles song than ‘rocky raccoon’? I’ve been humming that song for the last month and I’ll gladly hum it for another. I especially love the part about the drunk doctor. Who doesn’t love drunk doctors?
my oldest brother is getting married which just goes to show that everything is quite possible…….next up, new Yorkers act semi decent to each other.
I’ve recently subscribed to netflix and I’m hooked like Samuel L. in ‘Jungle Fever’…..hmmmmm. ‘jungle fever’ need to add that to my list.